Friday, April 30, 2010


Out of all the groups that are available for discussion, I would most prefer to engage in a Panel discussion. It has been my observation that when people are more relaxed they are able to think clearer (as long as they aren't TOO relaxed, at least). In panel discussions it seems that it's not as... "busy" for lack of a better word, meaning, well, I guess as the book says, less formal. When I was younger and I saw adults trying to solve problems, it always seemed so prim and proper. I never understood why the couldn't at least laugh a little (granted it might have just been my family). So the idea that trying to solve problems doesn't have to be this great formal ordeal really seems to me, the best idea. The symposium seems to me like too much of a deebate; the colloquium seems to be too formal; and the forum to me seems like it would base its problem solving on people who might not necessarily be the best people to ask.

1 comment:

  1. Nessaw27,

    I thought that your approach on this week’s discussion was interesting. I liked that you used a personal example from your family. I think that when most of us were younger we looked up to adults conversations and very proper. I like your idea that panel is more relaxed. Now that I have looked over the concepts again and read your post, I do feel that this may be a "more relaxed" way of discussion. I think that great thing about it is that you picked something completely different than I did and have a different approach as well. That’s just the great thing about being individual and getting different perspectives on things. Great post I enjoyed reading it.
