Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It feels like it's been forever since I've blogged. Anyone else? No? Oh well.

This is actually a recent event in which I used my creativity to solve a problem. Unfortunately I have to move back to my mom's house. My mom lives there, and she has a housemate. The house is only a 2 bedroom house, so this presented a problem as to where my room was going to be. At first it seemed that the most logical conclusion was for me to sleep on the couch and to put all of my furniture (including my bed) into a rented storage unit (if it had been we just needed room for my couch, it could have gone in the garage. However, since it was my couch and my bed, we needed a bigger place to store it all.). I was not looking forward to having no real sense of privacy, so I started thinking.

At my mom's house, right next to the kitchen is a little breakfast nook. It's very small, fitting in 2 cabinets, a small table and chair set, and a table for the microwave. So, instead of renting out a place to put my bed, we're moving the two cabinets and tables into other parts of the house, putting my bed and dresser in the nook, and putting up a rod and heavy curtain to make a type of "bedroom door." This saves me having no privacy, and someone sleeping on the couch!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nessaw27,

    When I was reading your post I laughed so hard. I have the same exact problem and I did something somewhat similar. When I first moved here, I lived with my 2 cousins and each with their own bedroom. Next to the door in the living room, there is a huge space so I put my bed there and put boxes around it like walls. I put a curtain between two lines of boxes like a door. Since I was going to be there for a little while, I was very happy with my creation because this way no way can see me sleeping when they walking through the living room.

