Friday, February 19, 2010


The concept of "white men of power" is basically one of this: while, upper class men have more power and more privilege than those who don't fit that category, such as different ethnicity, women, the disabled, the poor, the "unattractive", etc. The idea is that these men are the ones who in businesses and places of power have, well, not to be repetitive, the most power.

Do I agree with this? Yes and no. Yes, I agree that from what I have seen in my limited life is that men who fit this category (white men who are upper class) tend to rule the roost in life. They have better jobs, more money, more power, etc. On my company website, we have pictures of the people who are high up on the corporate ladder. I was looking at them at work today, and lo and behold, most of them were white men. I wasn't actually that surprised.

Now, I don't agree with it because I think it's pretty crummy that people who have most of the power are white, rich men. I think that with the election of President Obama, however, hopefully that will change.

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